OGSLP Online News

Who's Who at OGSLP?

Sherri Kidney
Name: Holly Lane
Department: Loan Services
Title: Loan Services Specialist III
Tenure with OGSLP: 10 years

How do your daily duties directly impact OGSLP's customers?
My primary function includes handling loan applications. We understand how important it is for students to receive their loan funds in a timely manner, and it’s my job to process loans that are suspended, rejected or returned due to issues such as overlapping loan periods or borrower information discrepancies. I work closely with our school and lender customers to resolve these issues and do everything I can to expedite the process. If you have an application inquiry, feel free to contact me at 405.234.4535 or applications@ogslp.org.

What advice would you give to someone in our industry who's new to working with student loans?
I would advise new employees to attend trainings and conferences whenever possible. OGSLP’s workshops and Annual Conference provide great opportunities to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the student loan industry. Our training department offers seminars for our school and lender customers on a regular basis. To sign up to receive training updates via e-mail, contact our Policy, Compliance and Training department at 405.234.4432 or PCT@ogslp.org. You can also visit the OGSLP Web site for a wide range of industry and legislative information, including continuous updates on HEOA, CCRAA and ECASLA.

What do you find most challenging about working with student loans?
Like most of us, I find that keeping up with the legislative changes that impact our operations and the financial aid community is particularly challenging. However, taking advantage of the resources I just mentioned is a great way to stay ahead of the game. Customers can also take advantage of our knowledgeable staff. There’s tremendous collective expertise within these walls!

What are some of the unique services your department provides our customers?
It’s our pleasure to educate students and parents about the financial aid process and answer any questions they may have. We also assist schools and lenders with processing issues such as loan changes and corrections to borrower’s accounts. When one of our customers has a question about processing enhancements or system changes, we’re happy to do the research. I feel our most important role is to assist borrowers, schools and lenders in any way we can and make higher education more accessible to more people.

What are your hobbies or interests?
I enjoy camping trips to the lake with my family and friends. We particularly enjoy skiing, boating and tubing with our kids. I love spending time in my flower beds and garden at home. I also spend time baking, making homemade salsa and cross stitching. One day I’d love to learn how to make a quilt.